Piedmont Locating Services, PO Box 876, Ramseur, NC 27316
Jay Hubbard, Owner
Disclaimer, General Service Agreement, Terms of Service
Piedmont Locating Services (PLS) is committed to providing our customers with the most accurate utility locating service available anywhere. We employ state-of-the-art electromagnetic signal tracing and radar imaging technologies; however, no underground utility locating method can guarantee 100% accuracy or completeness.
Many variables, including, but not limited to, the age and condition of the facilities in question, soil type, and moisture content, can adversely affect our ability to find and trace utilities and, on rare occasions, may even result in errors or omissions beyond our control. Some utilities are not locatable.
The more information you can provide about your site, the more complete and efficient our work will be. For best results, we ask our clients to provide us with the following information when possible.
- Copies of any available schematics, plans, or as-built drawings (PDF format preferred)
- At least one on-site contact, including name, title, telephone number, and/or email address
- Access to all utility buildings, mechanical rooms, etc., within and around the area of investigation
PLS shall not be held liable for excavation-related damage to any utility not shown on prints, maps, plans, as-built drawings, or other documents provided or having no serviceable connection point or visible surface structure within the requested area of investigation and/or the presence of said utility is not otherwise made evident to us before or during the performance of our work.
PLS specializes in locating private utilities not owned or maintained by local electric, telecommunications, gas, water, or sewer operators. We assume no liability for excavation-related damage to any utility owned or maintained by public utility providers (i.e., Duke Energy, AT&T, Time Warner, Piedmont Natural Gas Company, etc.), which are typically protected by state-mandated one-call services (i.e., NC 811, SC PUPS, Miss Utility, ULOCO, etc.).
North Carolina law stipulates that “(b)efore commencing any excavation or demolition operation, the person responsible for the excavation or demolition shall provide or cause to be provided notice to the Notification Center of his or her intent to excavate or demolish… within three (3) to twelve (12) full working days before the proposed commencement date of the excavation or demolition.” – § 87-122
In the course of our work, there are times when we must mark facilities owned by public utility providers to eliminate them from our search process. Marks placed on public utilities to facilitate this process should never be relied upon instead of contacting public utility locators as state or federal law mandated. Employing Piedmont Locating Services does not fulfill this legal obligation, and we assume no liability for any client or property owner’s failure to comply with NC law.